1. TD 系列: Clinches permanently in metal sheets from. 040" to. 125"(1mm-3.2mm) in thickness. It provides a secure, clean, accurate attachmentpoint for enclosure mounted cables and wires. The TY-D mounting hardware iscompact; Minimizes EMI/RFI, and reduces total installed costs. Wires aremounted in the exact location the designer specifies.
TD-40-4 ;TD-60-6 ;TD-125-12
2. RAA 系列: Provides strong right angle attachment point in aluminum sheets asthin as. 040" / 1mm and Rockwell B 45 Max.
RAA4-9-6 ;RAA4-9-8 ;RAA6-10-10 ;RAA6-10-8 ;RAA8-12-12 ;
RAA8-12-9 ;RAAM3-7-4 ;RAAM3-7-6 ;RAAM4-9-7 ;RAAM4-9-9 ;
3. RAS 系列: Provides strong right angle attachment points in thin sheets(Rockwell B 60 Max. ). Type RAS fasteners are threaded and attachment is simplymade using a standard screw.
RAS440-9-4 ;RAS440-9-4 ;RAS440-9-6 ;RAS440-9-8 ;RAS ;RAS632-10-8 ;RAS632-10-4 RAS RAS832-12-9 ;RAS832-12-6 ;RASM3-7-3 ;RASM3-7-4 ;
RASM3-7-6 ;RASM4-9-4 。
RASM4-9-7 RASM4-9-9
4. TDO 系列: Type TDO(tm)uick attachment and removal of bundledcables. The panel remains flush and closed, minimizing EMI/RFI. Eliminatesloose hardware and costly assembly time.
TDO-40-8 ;TDO-50-8 ;TDO-120-8;